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If They Lived: John Lennon

I rewrote history for a day just to see what the world would have been like if we still had John Lennon in 2017. I went back to that cold New York night on December 8th 1980 and witnessed Mark David Chapman vigorously talk himself out of firing those deadly shots in the former Beatle's back. And with that, John Lennon and Yoko Ono quietly strolled up the stairs and went to sleep safe and sound.

John Lennon would enter the 80s with a bang! He had finally released his new album Double Fantasy and would soon release an immediate follow-up at the end of 1981 with his new album "Jolly Boys". It was a rejuvenated Lennon with uplifting hits such as Night Lights, Sean's Song, and Real Love (which was one of the songs the 3 remaining Beatles released during the Anthology in the 90s). Lennon vowed to stay off drugs and alcohol to become a devoted father and husband, although he would still fool around with multiple woman. John and Yoko would still be together today as "old farts" as he would say. During the mid 80's John contributed to the Live Aid Movement as well as performed frequent duets with Elton John and Bono from U2.

Did the Beatles ever get back together? That is the question on everyone's mind and to answer that question in the most enthusiastic way....Why of course they did! The first step was in 1985 when Paul McCartney and John Lennon came together to perform "Come Together" and "We Can Work It Out" as a benefit for London's Aid For Peace campaign. On September 3, 1988 the day finally came when all 4 Beatles created a bit of a frenzy in New York's Central Park right outside John Lennon's residents. They had wanted to keep it a secret and that is exactly what they did. When they hit the stage there were only a reported 150 people surrounding the stage and by the end of the 2 hour concert there were an estimated 750,000 people cramming there way through the park to catch a glimpse. New York City was completely unprepared and most of the city was shut down for the rest of the day.

The Beatles would periodically get together on and off throughout the 90s. They also all contributed to the anthology. As for John Lennon, the 90s were mostly obscure as he decided to go back into hiding. He released only 2 albums, the first in 1991 was a compilation featuring artist such as Peter Frampton, Mick Jager and Van Morrison. The second album released in 1995 was called "Sugarland" where he partnered with Oasis brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher. That album brought with it hits such as "Cornerstone Lookout" and "Be The One I'm Looking For". He also made a brief appearance in the cult flick, Austin Powers.

Septemeber 11, 2001 was a day that would change Lennon's life. He recalled that day by saying it "shocked the life out of him" and that he heard screams and saw smoke the entire day and he couldn't shake the couldn't shake the feeling for months. Paul McCartney and John Lennon performed at The Concert For New York City. Him along with McCartney performed Imagine to a fragile and emotional crowd of people. The live cut was one of the highest selling singles ever. John Lennon also released his homage to the attacks with a song titled "New York, The City That Lights The Way"

The rest of the the 2000s and into the 2010s he continued to create works of art through his drawings and paintings. He would occasionally release a song or two but mostly collaborations. John Lennon loved to go into hiding and would speak out about things he thought were wrong and he would show support on things that he thought were right. When we get down to it, what a shame it was to have lost such a talented and inspirational person. The world would have been a much more enjoyable and memorable place with him still around today.

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